Page 18 - Cyber Catalog
P. 18

Publishing your CYBER CATALOG is very easy

          1- Application:
          Fill in the form and upload your catalog as PDF or Word
          or PowerPoint. For the pictures Jpeg, Gif, For videos any


          2- Adding online shop:
          If you want an interactive Catalog, we will add a «buy
          now» button, linked to your online shop website

          3- Publishing:
          We will prepare  Your Cyber Catalog and publish it, just
          like a website and inform you.

          4- Review:
          You should review your published Cyber Catalog and
          report any corrections you wish to make. You have to
          check every link. You have 14 days.

          5- Payment:
          During this 14-day trial, you can make the payment
          anytime. After 14 days, your account will be suspended
          until you pay.
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